Need of Secure Protocol

                                         Need of Secure Protocol

In today’s world, we transfer the data in bulk, and the security of this data is very important, so Internet security provides that feature i.e., protection of data. There are different types of protocol exist like routing, mail transfer, and remote communication protocol. But the Internet security protocol helps in the security and integrity of data over the internet. There are many protocols that exist that help in the security of data over the internet such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL), Transport Layer Security (TLS).

A sequence of operations that ensure protection of data. Used with a communications protocol, it provides secure delivery of data between two parties. The term generally refers to a suite of components that work in tandem . For example, the 802.11i standard provides these functions for wireless LANs. Various security mechanisms exist for specialized internet services like email, electronic commerce, and payment, wireless internet, etc. To provide the security to this internet various protocols have been used like SSL (Secure Socket Layer), TLS ( Transport Layer Security), etc.

What is Secure Protocol ?

Protocol which is not access by any other irrelevant person or organization which completely secure from other affected things like Security attacks etc. this protocol we called Secure Protocol. Some examples of such protocols are  Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) provide a secure protocol by which two networked peers may perform encrypted communications. SSL is most commonly used for sending private data from a web browser to a web server.also . Lets see it have a SET protocol, SHTTP are the some of the secure protocols.

Types of secure protocols.

Following are the some types of secure protocol which use in present day. 

1. SSL(Secure Sockets Layer):- 

  • SSL Protocol stands for Secure Sockets Layer protocol, which is an encryption-based Internet security protocol that protects confidentiality and integrity of data.

  • SSL is used to ensure the privacy and authenticity of data over the internet.

  • SSL is located between the application and transport layers.

  • At first, SSL contained security flaws and was quickly replaced by the first version of TLS that’s why SSL is the predecessor of the modern TLS encryption.

  • TLS/SSL website has “HTTPS” in its URL rather than “HTTP”.

  • SSL is divided into three sub-protocols: the Handshake Protocol, the Record Protocol, and the Alert Protocol.

     2.   TLS Protocol   

  • Same as SSL, TLS which stands for Transport Layer Security is widely used for the privacy and security of data over the internet.

  • TLS uses a pseudo-random algorithm to generate the master secret which is a key used for the encryption between the protocol client and protocol server.

  • TLS is basically used for encrypting communication between online servers like a web browser loading a web page in the online server.

  • TLS also has three sub-protocols the same as SSL protocol – Handshake Protocol, Record Protocol, and Alert Protocol.


3.    SHTTP :- 

  • SHTTP stands for Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol, which is a collection of security measures like Establishing strong passwords, setting up a firewall, thinking of antivirus protection, and so on designed to secure internet communication.

  • SHTTP includes data entry forms that are used to input data, which has previously been collected into a database. As well as internet-based transactions.

  • SHTTP’s services are quite comparable to those of the SSL protocol.

  • Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol works at the application layer (that defines the shared communications protocols and interface methods used by hosts in a network) and is thus closely linked with HTTP.

  • SHTTP can authenticate and encrypt HTTP traffic between the client and the server.

  • SHTTP operates on a message-by-message basis. It can encrypt and sign individual messages.

4. Set Protocol :-

  • Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) is a method that assures the security and integrity of electronic transactions made using credit cards.

  • SET is not a payment system; rather, it is a secure transaction protocol that is used via the internet.

  • The SET protocol provides the following services:

    • It establishes a safe channel of communication between all parties engaged in an e-commerce transaction.

    • It provides confidentiality since the information is only available to the parties engaged in a transaction when and when it is needed.

Need of Secure protocols .

As technology continues to advance, many people are beginning to worry about potential security risks as they relate to cyber crime and online activity. Since the Internet was created, many have used it for their personal gain, resulting in numerous security breaches that have caused extensive financial damage to both individuals and corporations.

 Even now, despite the best efforts of security companies, many dangerous security breaches can still take their toll on corporate activities. Security protocols and encryption prevents an attacker from tapping into the air and reading data as it passes by. All types of industries may be at risk of cyber threats. Breaking down the businesses by their sector, there have already been some troubling statistics made. In industries their need of secure protocol to protect themselves from attack and Vulnerabilities. In industries have majority of malware infection are happened due to unsecured protocol and any other reasons but majority is unsecured protocols. This is this main need of the secure protocol. Secure protocol help to provide security to companies network or any other government oraganization using secure protocols network are made very secure and prevent attacks and vulnerabilities.






